Which Way Osadebe Street?

Should we await a messiah or NOW is the TIME!
- By WPPraise

Before there was a country called Nigeria there was a Kingdom known all over the world as the Benin Kingdom. A Portuguese ambassador could, however, record that: “Twenty leagues from the coast, there lives a monarch to whom the subjects show the same reverence as the Catholics do the Pope. When foreign ambassadors come into its presence, they are never afforded a glimpse of the face. A curtain hides him from their sight: he only sticks out his foot that they may kiss at when taking their departure.”

I remember Bendel State vividly in 1978 with the capital, Benin City clean and organize unlike the Benin City of TODAY!  As we drove round rig road, on our way to Ikpoba Hill, my eyes winds left and right, through the car window peering into the congested street filled with humans traffic. Horning of old jalopies vehicles muscling their ways through the crowded streets. I ponder these organized chaos of manmade insanity through the eyes of faded dreams of the people, a hard working magnificent people whose basic rights has been denied through maladministration and mismanagement of public resources by those they’ve vested their trust. I remember we once had a messiah in Bendel state,
Samuel Ogbemudia, and Prof. Ambrose Ali whose governance was the envy of all Nigerians.

Bendel State was number one in every facet of national development in Nigeria, were it earns the name “The Heat Beat of Nigeria.” In education, sports, politics, good governance we were number one.

So, which way Osadebe street?

Is a better Edo State possible from the present quagmires?

Perhaps, yes! That’s if we do what’s right for ourselves, never blinded by short-sighted promises, and we never pawn our bright tomorrow for a piece meal on Gubernatorial election 2024.

Nations do not grow overnight as mushrooms or by miracle. Nations are the result of vision, commitment, selfless sacrifices by men and women who believe in the cause of the nation.” – Emeka O Ojukwu.

As we drove on, I saw Ewa Road and my formal school, suddenly 1977 flash through my mind of the glorious Bendel State. How we have it so good during Samuel Ogbemudia and Prof. Ambrose Alli Administration. Bendel was a darling in Nigeria.

It was a leading example of good governance, when Bendel Insurance Football Club breathe, Nigerians catches cold of excitement.  Principles cup, Inter-house sport, education was a national phenomenal, with huge investment in agriculture food was in abundance. Yes, we once have a messiah. Men like Prof. Ambrose Alli. Samuel Ogbemudia, they were not spirit but human beings like you and I, who rose to the occasion and make Bendel State the number one best govern state in Nigeria. Then, Osadebe street sings us songs of pride, that makes us the “Heart Beat of Nigeria”. Awards are not given for laziness rather does mediocrity call for celebrations. Today, in Edo State we celebrate mediocrity instead of excellence, who has bewitched us that we don’t see beyond our noses anymore?

What happen to Benin Kingdom whose glory went abroad that brought Europeans to our shore? Whose organized system of development went far wide across Nigeria? Today, Osadebe Street is now a centre of petty murmuring instead of good governance, where governor and his deputy dance kobo kobo dance to the amusement of enemy of progress. Engaged in childish quarrel instead of doing the duty of an elected public officer holder. A wise child covers up the naked of his father not otherwise.

Edo State is in shambles with decades of infrastructural decays, poor health sectors, poor waste management, and environmental disaster. With no pipe borne water in the capital city, poor road network, poor drainage system, rural schools without teachers, hospital without nurses or doctors, agriculture without government interventions plans to boost productions. 45% youth unemployment rates.

Which way Osadebe street?

Are we going to sell our conscience come 2024 election or refuse to pawn our soul?

“Nothing will happen in any nation, in our society which did not first happen in our minds. If wrong is rampant, if indiscipline is rife, if corruption is the order of the day, we have to search our individual minds for that is where it all starts.” – Mr. Justice Oputa

“To no person, no matter how wealthy, should we sell our soul. To no nation, no matter how powerful, should we mortgage our conscience. To no group, no matter how influential, should we pawn our thoughts. But we should always reserve to ourselves and to our posterity the right to know, to think, to hold opinion and to pursue our own good in our own way without denying or depriving others of their right to do so. That is our concept of true national freedom.” – Unandi Azikewe of Africa




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